Thursday, October 27, 2011

sleeping in the park

I left work early and went to the book store to get a book and look at butts.  I purchased a book but did not see any butts worth a damn.  I then proceeded to purchase a key lime pie milk shake.  I have lactose issues so I was not sure what the rest of the hookie day would be like.  I stopped at a nice secluded park to sit in the shade and relax. 

This park has a drive through parking area covered with oak trees and a view of the river.  A cool breeze always wanders through like the so many homeless people.  There are already two vehicle at the park and it is 2:30 pm.  One man is standing in the Sunshine with his arm around a well dressed woman.  They remain close and talk quietly.  Another lady drives up in a Volvo followed by a convertible Mercedes.  The attractive woman gets out and walks around to the passenger side of the Mercedes and takes a seat.  The standing couple are still very close, the man still has his arm around the lady.  We now have two couples in a kids park at 2:30 in the afternoon.  A school bus passes the park heading toward the school.

I ease the seat back and get comfortable.  These quite obviously not married couples are stealing time away from work.  I look around to see if there is a camera from "Cheater" watching them.  It seems obvious to me that the men and at least one of the ladies are currently married.  It just seems that way.  I wonder how honest these relationships are and who will get hurt.  Are there kids?  This may be exciting to the cheating couples but not to me and I dozed off.

I woke up with mosquitoes buzzing in my perfectly round ear holes because at night, I sleep with foam ear plugs and they keep my auditory canals nice and symmetrical.  My arm which I had propped under my head on while leaning on the window was completely asleep and vibrating with a combination of dullness and pain.  As the focus returned to my eyes, I could see a squirrel on the hood of my car with a look of wonder as the sunshine filtered throughout the park.

Reality was back and it was time to leave.  I needed to get to the bank and Wally World.  Ice tea would have made the park visit way, way better.  Maybe next time and there will be a next time.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like your mother who fell asleep "watching" the airshow in her front yard. She didn't even make it to see the first plane fly by.
