Monday, October 3, 2011

Not Enough Rich People

I read an article the other day about a fancy  golf development that was having trouble staying out of bankruptcy.  "There are just not enough rich people any more" was the buzz line from the owner.  Actually, there are more rich people than ever and those rich are much richer.  The problem with the four hundred million dollar playground was that his place was not nice enough for the new super rich. 

Super expensive housing prices are rising and sales are up.  Small personal jets are not selling but big ole private jets are doing great.  The large boats are selling like hot cakes.  With the rich getting richer and the wages of the workers not increasing, rich shit is getting to be a great value for the uber rich.  Telsa is selling its $100,000 electric car like water flowing under any bridge.

Lets all give the rich a rousing applause, they have won this round of capitalism.  The next round, anarchy, will have about half of them jumping out of their office building windows and landing on their carbon fiber cars.  Angry mobs will string up another third of them.  Then we will not have enough rich people to go around.  As for the owner of the resort, why not just lower your prices and let the less rich in for a few days.  Less rich people are not as demanding and probably actually pick up after themselves.  I know you can not charge $30 for a $4 bottle of wine but just do not change the labels and sell it for $8.  The semi-rich will feel like filthy rich and they will not spill the beans.  They like the feel.

What the rich need is more poor people that will lower themselves to any gutter craft to keep from having to sleep in the bushes of these nice resorts.  These working class poor will work for less than minimum wages and with no benefits.  They will take cash so the companies do not have to pay for the capitalists biggest nightmare, workman's compensation.  Imagine having to guarantee that if a person is injured working for your billion dollar company; he will be covered until he can find another job. It truly is a frikin nightmare.  So let us review silently.  That's it, reduce the number of poor through forced labor and then the percentage of rich will go up even more.  No wait, someone tried that already. 

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