Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Science: Picking a Physician

One of the many nuggets of knowledge I learned in college was  questions to ask a physician before leaving his office.

This information was given to me by a physician and a researcher.  He was a very no nonsense guy and his classes were great.  I give him credit for the "light bulb" moment of my college career.  I would literally sing "The hills are alive, with the sound of music" as I left his classes.  He later invited me to sit in on his research meetings with the grad students.  I do not use the word wonderful very often, mostly because it is a little sissyfied yet it was wonderful.  Still, even today, biological science is wonderful.

Ten questions to ask your doctor

Why is this course of treatment warranted?
Why is this the correct treatment for me?
Is there something else that could be causing this illness, problem, etc.?
Have you seen other patience with this illness recently?
What are my other treatment options?
What if we do nothing?
Did you get your degree from a central American doctor mill?
Is there a reason to be more concerned about this illness?
If I was your child would you recommend this procedure?
What if this treatment does not seem to work?
What should I do tomorrow, how can I help?

Dr. Sweeney said these words to me in 1977 when doctors were still saints in surgical garb.  I felt and still feel this was some of the best education I ever paid for.  I think my parents were still paying at that time.

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