Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jesus in the Park part 1

This is the morning show on WJCS with Erik Mulberg, Where Jesus is the Reason.  We have here Mr. Will Meander of Cocoa.  Hey all you Cocoa listeners.  Mr. Meander says he met Jesus Wednesday afternoon in the park.  I thought he had a cracked pot until I talked with him.

Erik:  So Will, tell me about Jesus.

Will:  Well, I was in the park, Cocoa Village park,  between one and three o'clock on the third of June.  Jesus and I were sitting on the wall and we walked around a bit.  Initially, I was kind of nervous and so I asked him if he minded walking while we talked.

Erik:  You asked Jesus to take a walk with you?

Will:  Yeh, well it seems sort of abrupt now but yeh.  For me, I always thought Jesus would be friendly but you can't imagine I guess, how absolutely, completely comfortable it is to be around him. 

Erik:  How did that first moment go?

Will:  Jesus was sitting on the deck under the bandstand cover.  I was just walking around looking at all the moms and kids trying to relax.  I noticed this guy about my age just sitting.  I looked at him and I just walked over and sat down next to him.  I looked into his eyes and said, JC Superstar, how is it hangin?  Recognized him right off. 

Erik:  You asked Jesus How it was hangin?  What did he say?

Will:  He said with a smile, "hello".  It was a hello like I have never heard before.  Not even Barry White could say it like that.  I stumbled on to say, "So, what brings you to Cocoa?  I mean I guess you are everywhere all the time anyway, Why Cocoa.?"

He said  "I want to visit everywhere first, you know before I come back and destroy everything."  His smile was sweeter than honey and wider than Julia Roberts' widest smile.  He made a joke, Jesus told me a joke.
 I was having a great deal of trouble looking at him, I think shame was creeping in to my conscience.  I said, "Really, I want to thank you for following through with the plan, I mean the first part way back when, I know you had a choice in the matter.   But also, thanks for coming today."   I looked up to see if he was going to smote me or something and all I saw was his face with that smile.  He said "Your welcome Will, you seemed a little down lately."

"Sometimes I forget my life as it is, may be as it is supposed to be and I am just looking at it in a negative way.   I just get tired of being tired, you know.  People wanting stuff and just expecting me to give it to them.  I did not sign up for this crap. You know what I mean?"

Jesus:  I don't, Jesus said, he went on to say, "I could see what I was in for when I signed up and I was good with it.  I am glad I did, Will, you are completely worth it.

Will:  As I started to cry, I recognized a man walking toward me.  I said to Jesus, "I know that guy.  His name is?...help me out Jesus."   "Rick" 

                                    Continued tomorrow!

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