Thursday, July 21, 2011


I am lucky, well I do not believe in luck so I am blessed.  I do not live in a big ole industrial center or a major metropolis.  Most of my life I have been within ten minutes of a cow.  Not many people can say that anymore.  Cedar City, Utah was the stockyards of the west in its day.  There were cows and hence flies everywhere, even  to this day.  Not to go off tangent yet  but they had these Uber houseflies in Cedar City.  They were identical to regular old houseflies but four or five times bigger.  It sounded like rocks hitting glass when the flew into the large picture window.  Anyway, there were cows and cow identifiers down the street.  The cows out in Utah were mostly range cows with all the instincts of wild animals.  They circled like musk oxen when threatened.  They were skinny and could jump a fence. 

Fat cows cannot  jump fences. The just lean on the posts with their big fat asses and crack the posts down.  They then walk around dropping patties everywhere.  I remember when I went to Kansas to become a veterinarian, I hardly recognized those feed lot cows.  The smell  of the lots sealed off most of my senses and the ammonia was burning my eyes so I thought they were bison or elephants.  The cows in Florida seem more intelligent than other bovines I have know.  They look alert and take leisurely walks around orange groves gently mooing and chewing their orange blossom cud. 

I was driving home the other day past a grove with these intelligent cows.  There was one who seemed to be outside the fence.  He was standing in a driveway just watching the cars zoom mere inches past his nose.  He would follow them with his head like it was a tennis match.  Cars would honk thinking the varmint had escaped to scare it back in its yard.  Most cows think they are invincible so they are not afraid of a car.  They see them stop for little children to cross the street so why would they not stop for a big staunchy cow.
The cow let out a moo as a Ford Mustang with a white strip rumbled past.  His loud moo seemed to say "Man o man, I gotta get me one of them." If there is luck, Florida cows have it thick. 

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