Monday, July 11, 2011

Ear Rolling

Remember all of those ridiculous contest you had with your buddies.  Bobby could squirt milk out of his eyes.  He could also squirt water out from under his tongue like a spitting cobra.  Brian could break into any house, any time and steal food out of the fridge.  We were proud of our skills.  I could roll my ear up like a rug and stuff it in my ear hole.  I could also pee a total distance of 13 feet.  So there we were waiting for Brian to get back with the food while I was peeing and Bobby was snaking spitting in the woods.  No one really cared that I could roll my ear up.  Now, forty years later, it is apparent that I mostly used my left had to roll my left ear.  My right ear does not roll well and does not fold at all.  

While listening to my oldest son complain about his life this morning and looking at his floppy eared doberman, I was thinking that my ear may end up flopping like a hound dog's ear.  I would look like John Candy in that Space Balls movie.  I have  been trying all morning to get my right ear to loosen  up but alas, it is sore and red.  I should have seen that coming.  If you give "anything" that much attention, it is going to get red and sore.  Also, the ears are cooler than the rest of my head.  I guess I believe elephants cool themselves with them big ole ears not that my ears are huge, yet.  Also, what is up with the head getting smaller, yet the ears and the nose getting larger as we age.  I can see it now, a brainless, small headed old man gets caught in a nor'easter when his sail-like nose deflects him to a safe harbor.  His thermoregulation was good.  The ears trailing in the cold wind sheltering his face from the sting of the rain.  My ear rolling has given me hours of joy over the years and it is sort of refreshing to roll a cold ear and stuff it it a warm ear hole.  I think I heard that somewhere before.

I knew a lady that cleaned and filed her fingernails constantly.  They were immaculate.  I wonder if her fingers were sore.  I knew a man who had a hole in his beard from a nervous tick that resulted in him pulling on his beard.  With the ear thing, it is not a tick, it is a talent.  Bobby did not spit incessantly nor did I roll continuously.  Brian was from a poor family and he probably took food because he was hungry.  I have never known another ear roller.  As strange as ear rolling evidently must be, I am also surprised I have not met another.  Is there a stigma attached to it.  OOOh, the air is cool, I have to roll and go.

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