Thursday, July 28, 2011

Songs in my bed

This week's songs in my head when I woke up.

Wango Tango -- Ted Nugent of course.  Waking up to Terrible Ted is quite the experience.  I almost choked myself with the toothbrush keeping beat with Ted's guitar.

Can't Get enough of your love bayab --  Barry White.  I had a sore throat all week end and I could sound just like Barry.  I would walk around the kitchen singing in that voice.  It was awesome.

Time in a Bottle -- Jom Croche.  Don't know.  If I could save time in bottle, someone would drink it and blame me then they would spend all the time in the world in the bathroom.  The first think I would like to do is watch reruns of Room 222.

Chug-a-lug chug-a-lug -- Roger Miller.  This is a great song, I guess it would be called a ditty.  He was a legendary drinker and pill popper. 

Lovesick Blues --  Hank Williams.  Anything Hank is great.  He was the man. 

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