Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Constitution The Thirteenth amendment

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.[2]

If you notice, this is the first Amendment with  Sections.  I do not think the the writers were of the same vain as the original writers.   Time change.

Banning slavery and involuntary servitude is "manifest destiny" of any just and democratic societal goal.  I am sure that our political system could not pass this amendment today.  Everyone agrees with it but our moronic and criminal leaders do not want to agree on anything.  This was a main stick point in the original Constitution.  It took almost one hundred years, the destruction of most of the southern states and the lives of one hundred thousand people to basically get the governments to stop pissing around and ratify something that everyone knew was wrong.  Southern states and rich people like the institution and did not think they could survive economically without the darkies doing the labor. 

It is kind of like today with the rich getting richer and the middle class going away and the ranks of the poor increasing.  Jesus said there will always be the poor so I guess there will always be poor. Poor of spirit, poor of heart, etc.  It is sort of oxymoronic that the same people that want the rich to get richer, also want the slave labor force in our country, the immigrants, legal and illegal, to stay away.  Are they trying to punish the middle class for daring to think they could move up a cast level.  Rich people just do not want a slave to appear equal to them. They must remain a lower life form.  They can have money and riches but they must be viewed as lesser because the rich like feeling superior, even though most of them are needle dicked, wife beating, child molesting spiritually lost hypocrites. 

Areas of the country are talking succession again.  You will see all forms of involuntary servitude increasing in the States over the next decade.  They will be social, mental and economic slavery.  They will be from the governments and the rich corporations.  The Drug Cartels in this country will continue to enslave us to prescription drugs.  The Gun Mafia will continue to furnish and fund the gangs in the States and the Para-military groups outside our borders in order to insist the average American needs to protect himself.  The Investment Banking Privateers will continue to buy companies, reduce payrolls and build inferior products that we need re-creating the company towns that flourished in the past.  The Oil Cartel will continue to enslave Americans by fighting every effort to reduce the dependence on their product.  We will see it all in the next ten years. 

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