Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jesus in the Park part 2

Will:  "Hey Rick, nice to see you again.  I heard you got let go last fall, Have you found anything?"
Rick:  No, I am really getting discouraged.   There have been a few interviews that I thought would go somewhere but nothing has happened. 

Will:  "Rick, I would like you to meet a friend of mine, well my Savior actually, Rick meet Jesus."

Jesus:  "I was sorry to hear about the layoff Rick, things will work out, the important part is keeping your eyes and your heart open."

Will:  Rick never let go of Jesus' hand.  Nor did he say anything.  He just stared into that face.  Jesus broke the handshake and Rick walked off. 
"Jesus, I have to ask, do you know and see the future.  I mean, you do have the power?" 
Jesus:   "It is like a book, I could read ahead and see what Dad has planned for me, or for you for that matter but usually I don't.  I have to be obedient and not second guess Him also.  Remember, we all have a choice, me included."

I said to Jesus, "You were sorry to hear about Rick's the layoff?  Didn't  you have something to say about it ahead of time? 

"Not really" he explained, choices were made. "Dad worked it out" he said.  "You see Will, everyone(exaggeratedly) screws up and wrecks the plan.  For example, If you knew your son was going to climb that tree over there no matter what you said and was going to fall out of it, what would you do?  You would make sure his landing was a reasonably safe one.  It is his choice.  That is what I do.  I help them land and after, help pick them up and heal.  I get help with that sometimes from people like you."  He then said,  "By the way, that young lady ended up killing herself, poor dear, but you did your part.  Dad was impressed." 

Will:  "Safe! Is that a subjective term then?"

Jesus:  Quite.

Will:  Silence does not usually bother me but the son of God is of few words.  "Jesus, look over there, would you say that was an ugly dog, because I would.  Perfect alligator bait."

Jesus:  You think that is bad, have you ever seen a baby camel?  Mean, cranky creatures.  I have no idea what Dad was thinking with that one.  The Llama was his second attempt. 

Will:  Your a funny guy, but you know that I guess. 

Jesus:  Yep.  Any other questions, on anything?

Will:  "OK, sure" I said,   Who is the best right fielder of all times, Arron or Clemente?

Jesus:  "Don't forget about Ruth, he was a right fielder and watch Ichiro he's not done yet!"

Will:  Jesus got up, hugged me, and walked into the pizza place across the street.  I could not resist, I went in there to see if he liked anchovies on his pizza but he was gone.

(Back at WJCS with Erik Mulberg)

Erik:  So, Will, that is quite a story.  You seemed pretty cavalier with our Savior.  

Will:  You have to sit with him, he is so disarming and omniscient, to not be relaxed would be an insult.  

Erik: The listeners are lighting up the switchboard.  Can you stay and answer some questions from the callers?

Will:  No, I would only make a mess of it.  Thanks anyway.

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