Monday, July 18, 2011


I just read The Oatmeal responding to an email critical of him and his fine body of work.  I figure a blog is the blogger's business to write anything for any reason.  If you don't like it don't read it.  I mean obviously, I write whatever I want to write and I have no traffic visiting me.  Does that means my blogs are not provocative or funny?  Well, it could mean that.  Anne Frank probably never imagined anyone would care about her life in a closet.  I have never read her diary, she may have been a good writer.  I am sure many Jew haters would be critical just because she is a Jew.  Man, that is so ignorant.    The Oatmeal  sometimes highlights people's grammar and spelling errors.  I am terrible at spelling (even with a spell checker which is an entirely different subject) and my grammar is poor.  Can a writer make a living if he has poor spelling and poor grammar?  Well, he can get an editor to fix it but I think to communicate in the written English language, proper grammar will help.

I was never good at spelling.   I did not read as much as I should have growing up and that brings up my point.  Can an adult improve his grammar skills?  I suppose it is a learnable commodity.  Do I take a grammar class at the college?  I taught myself how to walk down stairs backwards and to swing my arms in unison with my legs.   I learned that trick from Carl Reiner.  I am impressed with The Oatmeal's knowledge of grammar.  My spelling has become increasingly inaccurate over the years. After a poor start in spelling and grammar spelling moved past the event horizon with typing class in the seventh grade.  For whatever rebellious reason, I could or would not use my reaching keystrokes properly.  I would move my had to hit the "x" key and the comma key with my index finger.  My brain will also not allow me to type an "i" before and "e".  I think it was because of my totally tramatized eight grade German class.  I had to walk down the street to the High School to take part in the German class.  I was a small, shy kid who still drooled a little and speaking German was an ugly sight with all that saliva spraying around.  I think most German words use "ei" for the "I" sound.  My spelling logic was severely damaged that year.  The next assault on my spelling was "Gregg Shorthand".  Shorthand is phonetically and not literal.  To translate a spoken word into a phonetically system and then translate that system through typing, an autonomic system into a written word created rifts in my cerebellum than have never healed.

I think grammar is really cool.  I am jealous.  Community College her I come.

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