Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Favorite Fascist

Fascists seek to purge forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration, and to produce their nation's rebirth based on commitment to the national community based on organic unity, in which individuals are bound together by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and bloodfrom Wikipedia.

I cannot decide if this more accurately defines to a tea some of the political movements in this country or if it more acutely defines some politicians.  The answer is BOTH.  I was watching a former big Whig on television and he seemed to be nice enough but  he is old he and just trying to get into Heaven now.  Before, he was trying to get into the White House without having to go through security until he found out the White House was actually Hell.  It was fun for sure and ordering all those wiretaps and tortures were the next best thing to the bomb but dealing with the whiners from Congress all day, every day was too much.  The press conferences alone take an hour and that would cut into his bowling time.

Being the head man of a government agency could not funnel enough money into Halibut Seafood (a family owned business) but as a Hot Snot he could encourage a police action in Huntahunta land and have his buddies run the whole shooting match.  He bought some land in Paraguay (a non-extradition county by the way, which means not even the UN War Crimes guys can get him there) and set his sights on being the twentieth century's best fascist.  He only made it to Junior Fascist though..  His "Anything Goes" war strategy and his Extermination through Hunting policy put him up there with Benito Mussolini and Mubarak.  He just does not have what it takes to reach the lofty loins of Hitler and Stalin.  You know those two actually gave Fascism a bad name. 

He is my favorite because of that smile of his while planning to manipulate the entire free world.  It is sort of a Dr. Phibesish smile.  Anyone with that much gall and attempting this sort of endeavor should be hailed.  History will eventually tell the whole story though I will wait for the paperback edition.

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