Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Drinking Water

Remember when we drank water out of a hose at the neighbor's yard.   Did you ever notice the bottled water unit outside the box store is hooked up to the same faucet that the lawn guys water the planters with.  They have a PVC "T" on it.  For fifty cents a gallon I doubt if they have much more than a string filter on that puppy.  I was at a "Spring Water" factory doing a cleaning service and they had this big pipe coming out the ground and automatically filling five gallon bottles, sealing them and instantly routed them to a truck for delivery to your office.  The United States has the highest water quality standards in the world.  Water quality creates a healthy society enabling great possibilities.  The stuff coming out of the city utility is cleaner and safer that even most bottled water.

Water is the most important resource on the planet.  It is also the best tasting.  If you ever hike in the mountains and get thirsty, water from a quiet but babbling brook cannot be improved on by a shoe company or a research team from Gator country.  Water quenches.  Animals can smell water from miles away.  With the exception of the crocodile, fascinatingly most animals get along at the water hole.  The lion may not stand guard while the antelope drinks, but he will make sure he is not thirsty before a hunt.  

Drinking water is boring. I know, I am trying to write about it.  I am also a biologist and know all the stuff that is in it.  There is almost no bacteria in stream water or city utility water.  The cities add chlorine to keep the bacteria that is in the water and in the pipes from multiplying.  They also add scalers, descalers, fluoride treatment and other tracers for various purposes.  If you are at the end of the distribution line your water will be quite different from the person at the front end of the line.  Regardless, your water will be safer and healthier than most bottle waters and 97% of the water used for drinking around the world.    

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