Friday, September 23, 2011

The Last Time I Saw Science

I have had what I consider to be a bad week.  Chaos has taken hold.  I am referring to the state or the residence at Lake Pointofhell that lacks order and/or predickability.  I also had to give up on the idea of actually dying one day.  I cannot die, at least I can not lie down and be quiet for an extended period of time and not let anyone bother me.  Some one will poke me with a pencil as cheap and functionless as they are while I am in the coffin.  The pencils are useless also.  To continue, this week, I further discovered I am a fraud and some day they will find out.  The Theys are winning and the Those People are gaining on them. 

What does this have to do with science.  Nothing.  And who would ask that question? not the two Latvians that read this blog once a week!  Not the two other people that stumble on this blog while looking for the Naked Oil Spill Ladies of Baton Rouge calendar.  I have watched people ignore science all my life.  Science research protects the food you eat and the air you breath.  The government does not do it.  Joe Dickhead in the Vet does not do it.  Lady Vagina with the 4 once dog does not do it.  Science research develops vaccines, medicines and cough drops.  Sixty percent of cough drops are eaten by children who do not even have a cough.  Ten percent are used as suppositories to relive children from farting.  There are some really stupid people out there, hell, in here.  Pharmaceutical pessaries is the doctor term for suppository.  I thought pessaries were birds, no wait that is passerine.  Suppositus is a latin word for "to place beneath" so I guess that is a clue.  For the Guillotine, "Cephalus Suppositur Laminus".  Just stick your head under the blade.

I tried to start three projects this week with limited success.  The constant "what are you doing" and the "who said you coulds" are making my heart hurt.    All three projects are continuing but will little real result.    I heard someone mention sleep.  No, I am not allowed to get more than twenty three uninterrupted minutes in each hour.  If you calculate that out while trying to sleep anytime all day, It will take 122 days to get a total of eight good hours of sleep.  If you are calculating along, do not forget to carry correctly and remember to calculate the entire day back in at the end.  Of  the three projects, I will hope to finish one this week.  One is a six week corn hole of an idea.  I could be dead.  They would just deduct it from my pay.

I figured if I used some science words maybe that would do for Friday Science.  To finish the week off on a high note, I could use science, at least chemistry and pharmacology with a mother's little helper and pick up the day.  Did you know the first chemist and scientists were the beer makers of Mesopotamia.  Really.

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