Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Constitution: The Twenty second Amendment

Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term. Section 2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.

I guess these type of things are needed, hence an amendment.  So the key word is "elected"  I guess if you were elected president for two terms and later because of disaster or stupidity, you were "chosen" vice president and approved by congress and the president died, you could have a third term. 

I did not capitalize any of those things because I have lost complete confidence and respect for two parts of the three parts of our government.  The executive branch has been on a slippery slope since World War II.  Congress (I had to capitalize because it was the start of the sentence) has been screwing up big time since Vietnam.  The Supreme Court seems to be holding its own fairly well.  I wonder how long it will take to corrupt and morally bankrupt that institution. 

Russia and Venezuela are having problems with term and power limits of the executive offices.  Honduras had a fracas because a man was going to be elected who would do away with term limits.  The Congress ran him off for a few years.  I am glad amendments to the Constitution take a while to instigate and ratify.

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