Thursday, September 22, 2011

How Did They Do That!

I remember watching "To Kill a Mockingbird"  which even to this day I do not understand the title and there was a scene where Atticus shoots a dog that has rabies.  I remember the dog limping and jerking around as it made its way down the street.  Now that I know dogs and have trained a few and tried to train a few, "how did they do that?"  How did they get that dog to hop around and snarl and the like?  It has been over thirty five years and that scene sticks in my head. 

I saw a sword swallower once and although the sword was only about twelve inches long, it was still impressive.  I know a kid that swallowed a pocket knife but that is not the same thing I guess.  Bobby could drink a half pint of milk in three seconds.  Every once in a while he would swallow at the wrong time and milk would come shooting out of his nose.  That possible outcome was worth the the price of buying him a half pint of moo. We would try to brake his concentration just as he was tipping the carton by shooting him with spitwads. We should have made a horror film out of this scene.  We would call it "Invasion of the Milk spitting Dorkmiers"  He could also drink some liquid, milk usually and squirt it out the corners his eyes.  Thinking back to those awesome times, we should have used food coloring to its fullest possible bent.

I do not know how the did those things.  Recently on a video, I saw some people lift a car off of a motorcycle guy.  When I was a kid, there was an urban legend that a lady lifted a car off of her baby to save his life.  I got run over by a car once.  Well, it was just my foot but one quarter of the weight of that car was on my foot for half of a second.  None of my friends saw it so I could not play it up because it did not really hurt.  I tried the "cool" angle but my friends were idiots and could not see the significances of it.  Come to think of it, they were idiots.  How do true idiots ever become something?  I guess there is reality television and Jerry Springer.  How do they do that?

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