Thursday, August 18, 2011


I admit it.  I cannot spell very well.  I have lousy punctuation.  I have talked about this before.  The last few days I have been writing and feeling pretty good about myself because upon running the spell checker, it points to an improvement in my spelling, grammar and punctuation.   I over use commas if that is possible.  I pause all the time while I talk, so I throw in a comma.  See how that works.  Some times while typing wildly, I spell "of" as "ove" so anything can happen.

I just found out, oh Lord, my spell checker was set on Cyrillic and you cannot spell anything wrong in some languages.  If you get too many vowels, just throw in a symbol or a consonant to balance it out, who will notice.  It is my Island speak.  I was in Singapore and there was a street named Patuzcriputautamataputzacrepiipoul.  It was know by that name.  It has 19 syllables and it means, "The road used by the Emperor's manservant to walk his dog in spring time."  Even the locals just call it "Dog Shit Street"  which is "putzacrepiida". I asked a nice lady on the train to pronounce the street name and she said, "No, her teeth were loose".  I saw a UPS postal guy crying while parked at the intersection of  Patuzcriputautamataputzacrepiipoul and Patuzcriputautamatacrepii (which means "where the Emperor's cat was eaten by a peasant").  The guy in the Brown truck was checking his translator on the web but it kept giving him directions to a Pizza Hut in Buktar. 

I think spelling is kinda silly but grammar and punctuation are like fine art.  Well, it is not like fine art, it is a fine art.  If you read the masters, you will notice impeccable grammar.  If you remove the text from a verse and just leave the punctuation on the page, it is like music.  It has meter and balance.  Yes, I did that with Poe, Steinbeck and others.  I was dancing.  I did it with my writing and I tripped and stumbled over a dangling participle and cut my eye.  When I write, I do not correct spelling but I try to punctuate properly.  I run the spelling and grammar checker later before I publish.  If it is not working, I may lose the two Ukrainians that visit my blog.  I would then have an average of 1 visitor a week.  So, spelling is important.

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