Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gasoline Prices

Now, we all know that there is very little competition in gasoline prices.  I can drive down a street and pass three gas stations that I know get their fuel from different suppliers.   The prices for regular gas are within one cent of each other.  I wonder about the chains that are twelve cents a gallon higher.  How do they compete?  I will tell you how, morons! 

I remember when gas was twenty three cents a gallon.  When I was in High School it was fifty cents a gallon.  My 1965 Chevy Impala with its ten miles per gallon engine pushing around six thousand pounds of steel and teenage might could drag main street about 5 times on that fifty cents.  A three or four cent difference at a gas pump even on the other side of town was worth chasing down.  If I bought a dollars worth of gas, I could make the loop through town ten times and still have a mile's worth of gas left to get home.  Of course, I could hear my dad yelling in the morning because the car was on empty.  If he was in a really bad mood, he would wake me up and make me go get him some gas.  He ran out of gas on the way to work one time and since it was my sister who had the car the previous evening, I did not have to listen to most of the yelling.

Gasoline prices are regulated by the "Bergemiesters" which we all know is the secret society that runs everything in the world.  It consists of a few Arab Sheiks and a couple of people from the Hapsburg dynasty.  Bill Gates may have joined the group.  Queen Elizabeth attends the meetings.  Rockefeller and Joe Kennedy used to switch off attending.  Hitler wanted to be part of the group but the Bergermeisters made sure Stalin got reinforcements and Hirohito who was a member did not move into the Sakhalins.  Hitler was too whiny.  OF COURSE GASOLINE PRICES ARE FIXED. 

1 comment:

  1. I just saved .55 per gallon from the new Winn Dixie rewards program :)
