Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Having seen my share of pregnancies and child births, I am completely surprise that the population growth of the world is greater than zero.  OK, so there are people that do not understand or have access to pregnancy prevention.  Why would a sane woman want more than one child.  Of course babies are puppy dog cute and of course they are amazing to watch grow up.  With the physical hardship, anatomical rearranging and financial black hole sucking the entire family closer to the event horizon, common sense should over ride any urge to have another one.  

I am completely against women having children.  I think it is a dumb idea.  I know a lady that wanted to have a second child because she just did not feel complete with only one child.  I stopped laughing long enough and with only a little bit of thought, to proclaim "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard."   Now, two years later that second child appears to be a fire breathing hellion and I reminded her of her proclamation of incompleteness.  While downing her third Valium before noon she stated calmly but with confusion, "I am not sure what exactly I was thinking."  She was dreaming of fairy godmothers and pumpkins and the prom being the most important event in her life.  She was not thinking, she was living a fantasy. 

In the female, there is some trick that erases the memory of the experience.  It is similar to post traumatic stress disorder.  It was a war but now it must have been a video game because why else would I want to throw up constantly and move my bladder to my shoulder area again.  Why would a woman want to destroy her body to the point where she cannot use the toilet properly. She cannot even sit down safely.  The changes may be permanent also.  The doctors and books never tell you that the hips and the spine and the coochie may not go back together properly.  Not only is she screwed, she may never do it painlessly again.  Her completeness is overwhelming.  This detached bladder thing is not OK no matter how cute the little vampire is. 

We do not need any more kids, we are unable to raise them properly and they grow up to be teenagers where they trade their brain for sawdust and spackle.  So, in summary, to feel whole, you rip you spine, insides and outsides to shreds so you can raise an ungrateful child who in the best of families makes you worry until you pop a vein, cry and pray until your knees have growths and wonder what in the hell you were thinking.  Sounds bad but it really is worse.

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