Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Science: Driveway cleaner

Laundry soap --    a big scoop should do.
Powdered bleach  -- a cup will mix nicely.
liquid wrench or any thin, clear oil.   A 1/2 cup is all you need.
paint thinner    any solvent will do.  maybe a pint.
water, a gallon of it.
saw dust  To absorb the mixture.  Sand will work.

Mix it up good and use quickly.

Place this on the oil spots like you would pretreat clothing.  Use a stiff brush to spread it out around the driveway.    It may start smoking so keep the animals off of it.  It will generate heat so use a metal can to mix it.   If you use sawdust, it may flame up a little bit.

You can etch concrete with this stuff.  Driveway art is possible.

Don't mention it.

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