Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Constitution: Sixteenth Amendment

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

This says that the US Government can charge income tax to any source of income.  I guess they could not consider rent and share cropping and things like that taxable as federal income because it was generated from land ownership and that was a State's right to tax.  I guess. 

Now, if you make money you have to pay tax on it.  If some one forgives a debt, that is income.  If you buy something for $8 and sell it for $9, that is income.  If you receive lunch and a whore at a business meeting, unless everyone else gets that similar service, and even then maybe, that is income.  A value will be assessed at the current market value at the time for the IHOP and the SHEHOP and taxed accordingly. 

Even George Washington felt taxes were needed and he was a stinking rich land and slave owner.  Of course taxes are needed.  The tax rates during the Middle Ages were random and could be 100 percent one month and 40 percent the next.  George wanted to buy some shoes and coats for his fighting men and replace the horses they had to eat the previous winter.   That takes money. Congress said that since most taxes were collected fairly randomly and in some cases only voluntarily and never volumentally, something had to give.   As our great country came on 100 years and the turn of the century was near, something had to be done to close some loopholes in the system.  Rich people were not paying a lot of tax by hiding it in land and land adventures which was not considered taxable income.  Can you imagine, hurting our countries ability to function by letting rich people have even more money.  I can imagine fascists rich people keeping money needed by the country and keeping it for a rainy day but how many of those could there be?  Well I can think of at least 600 of those bastards. 

I do not think there will be any more amendments to the constitution.  Malcom Gladwell's tipping point has been reached I think.  I know the lunatic fringe thinks that violent overthrow is coming.  It is not an overthrow, it is a spiral into chaos.  There are not six people in the world who have the "unmitigated gall" to save this country.  Our peculiar institution will not  last 300 years.  I am sure of that.  My great grand children will have to fight for property.  Not because the government will usurp us on it like in a socialist state but because land ownership will resemble the Missouri land grab and only guns, death and bravery will sustain us.  It is sad to ponder that the Meth heads next door have a much better chance of survival than my family does.  It has been said that  being fat, drunk and stupid will not work forever!  Only in America. 

 All that from a straight forward paragraph about taxes. 

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