Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scary moment in Golf?

I have played a ton of golf in my life and I think I was in a dangerous position once if you do not count the beer girl and the poison ivy.  I was chased by an alligator, that was scary.  I did not read the article in the paper last week on the "scary" situation with Rory Whateverhisnameis.  I began trying to think of something dangerous or scary that could normally happen on a golf course. 

There are the golf carts running around at seven miles an hour.  Most of them cannot even get through a decent flower bed or sand trap.  I guess falling out of one or literally getting run into by a speeding hunk of plastic could be dangerous.  Rory, his caddie and the other members of the PGA walk the course so even if he was drunk he could only fall off the tee box which in most cases would not be scary. 

Getting hit by a golf ball will hurt, I know. Just ask the dancing bear, well, that is another story.  It would be scary for some old dud who can not see the ball coming but not scary for Rory.   He is most likely three hundred yards away and would not even know it is happening.   Now, I throw golf clubs.  I even give lessons in throwing golf clubs effectively and safely to keep down the injuries to people and the clubs.    I remember I was out about ninety three yards from the pin and I missed the green with my Jack Nicholas wedge by at least 50 yards to the swampy left of the green.  The club was blamed for the miss hit and I threw it ninety one yards with the dangerous but accurate underhand pendulum swing throw.  Jack would have been proud seeing his famed "G series" wedge pegged only inches from the hole.  It was a lousy shot but a hell of a throw.

Maybe Rory hit a root and turned his wrist.  Maybe the ball hit a tree and came shooting back at him.  Maybe Oh my Lord Jesus, the wind blew sand trap dirt in his eye.  Maybe I should read the article, but I just can not.  Now, Tiger trying to pick up a hooker on the second tee or even watching him try to hit a fairway  is weird but not scary.  My friends nine iron head came off one time while he was swinging.  We never found that ball.  My cousin hit is big brother square in the face with a driving wood and he did not die or anything.  He yelled a lot for a while.  I never remember anyone being scared.  I jammed my hand in the golf bag and got poked by a golf tee, man was that scary.  I almost had a hole in my finger and everything.  Rory won a match a few weeks back and he made at least $800,000.00 for it.  Even if he did hurt his wrist, it is not scary.  He will eat and sleep nicely.  Scary is being hungry, or bleeding profusely.  Some people's golf swings are scary.

I can say that Golf is not scary, nothing in golf is scary.  Ugly, lonely but not scary.

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