Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Constitution: Nineteenth Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

The authors of this amendment used the word sex in an official government document back in 1920.  Those scamps.
The word "sex" was used as a state of being, not an act of utter grossness.  Some States let female citizens vote for city council and mayoral things.  Some States let femes vote on laws but not other things.  The entire suffrage thing is strange and I think it is because the name suffrage was used to represent voting rights.  The word comes from fragor, to applaud loudly and from suffragium, a final decision.  Suffering is not the same thing as suffrage.  To me, if something sounds the same, it also must come from the same root words and it is therefore sort of related.  I cannot reconcile suffering and suffrage together so I just forget about the whole thing and chalk it up to some dumb title and never accept it as logical. 

Since our democracy is heading for the trash heap anyway and our way of life will dwindle away over the next millennium, just frag the whole mess.  frag is the actual root word of suffrage.  Now you see why I am confounded.  Or is the conflicted?  Someone stop me....please before rambling old men are denied the right to suffrage not to suffer.

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