Monday, August 8, 2011

Rude - Ruder - Rudest

Out of all the different iterations and uses for the cell phone, all but one is not rude and adding to the pussifying or our country.  Pussifying of America is one of my greatest causes of alarm.    Anyway, lets stick with the cell phone for a few moments.  I am still startled most of the time when a cell phone rings.  I am some place that does not have a phone normally, like the bathroom at the local Piggly Wiggly and I hear a completely random and unfitting noise.  I never think it is a phone but it usually turns out to be one.  Who answers a phone in the bathroom, a lot of people I guess.  I do not like any sound except singing in the bathroom.

Before we go to far I would like to talk about the satanic billing practices of the phone/internet companies.  I remember in the 1980's when the stock market morons were saying that the long distance phone carriers were in trouble because there was no way they could continue to make unconsciously huge profits off of telephone service.  Pay phones cost more to keep up than they bring in.  So what did they do, they put all their efforts in to cell phones where they can not only charge $100 a month but thousands if you are a moron yourself.  So for poor service, ridiculous contracts and high prices, we got a small convenience and and an even smaller credit rating.

Lets see, if I am stranded in the ocean I can call for help.  Wrong, no towers in the middle of the ocean.  Most phones need a tower every ten miles or so because of the curving of the earth.   If my car breaks down, I can call for help.  Oh my God up above, how did we ever get along without a cell phone.  When I am at the store and I cannot tell if I should by Sahara tan brown or Chocolate Moca blonde hair coloring for my wife.  Shit Scooby, what will I do?  Dare not go home without the correct color!  I am in a meeting and I need a smooth exit, so have someone call me during the meeting.  Fabuloso!  "Sorry guys I gotta take this call, my wife just hit a camel that escaped from the zoo while she was looking at her Chocolate Moca blonde nightmare on her big ole head.  Text the minutes of the meeting to my phone."

So, for that emergency that occurs less frequently than emergencies occurred three decades earlier you pay at least $ 50 a month, and you have a house phone also $35 a month and you need to buy the stinking phone in the first place.  Now lets get back to rude.  I do not want phones ringing everywhere.  When I am having a private meeting with someone whether it is at work or in public, I do not want them answering a phone, turning off a phone or reading a text message while I am talking to them.  HOW ABSOLUTELY RUDE.  In all cases it is rude.  IF someone does not want to pay attention to me while I am talking to them, fine, conversation over.  It is like the phone message from these really busy companies that says, "Your call is important to us, please stay on the line and lube up because the longer you stay on the more we know we can screw you."  Did you ever notice, the larger and richer the company, the less human interaction you get.   Rude.

Rude people are everywhere anymore.  the Rude amendment  is going to be a Constitutional Amendment.  Rude smokers, rude drivers, rude phones and rude parents that breed rude children.  Walmart, has made a fortune off of rude people.  The halls of the Big Box is actually a magnet for rudeness.  It is OK to be rude in Walmart, they have to accept the behaviour.   They even give you the opportunity to show how rude you can be.  You can jam you shopping cart in the bushes or leave it in the street.  They will send someone to put it in the rack which they have every ten feet for you.  Sam Walton learned early on that rude people had money.  The more welfare, WIC and the more disability money these malformations possessed, the ruder they were.  And here is the true genius of Walmart, Rude people waste more money on Big Box shit than people that are not rude.  The slide to societal breakdown is greased with rudeness.  We are picking up speed. 

1 comment:

  1. I bet it's inconceivable to some that we don't have cell phones OR cable.
    There are still plenty of ways for ourselves to be rude however. Tho we all do it, try not to be a 'finger pointer', Fingerblister. :)
