Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Pool, A birds life!

I spent most of yesterday sitting at a beach side pool.  I am always fascinated with the concept of a huge ocean adjacent to a small fresh water pool.  From an airplane or God's view it looks ridiculous and yet beautiful.  I grew up near the ocean and  the horizon is sweet stretching out to the left and the right.  From up in the sky,high the ocean is vast and never ending.  It is only nudged by land giving it an edge.  A very small pool of water next to an ever expansive mass totaling billions of gallons of water seems silly.   Anyway, while I was roasting by the pool, two female grackles were talking while eating a stolen french fry, eaten by  Plain Pauline and a leftover shrimp's tail  eaten by Ditzy.

Pauline:  That shrimp smells nice but it is just  all chitin, almost no nutrition.
Ditzy:  What nutrition, my orange ass will bring in that blue head over there, I will drop ten eggs for him.  Did you see those thighs!
Pauline:  Oh, the one with the crooked tail feather.  Careful with that one.  I saw him with a crow bitch yesterday.  Now that you mention it, I am not sure it was even a bitch but it was definitely a crow.
Ditzy:  Don't say that PP, I start to make eggs every time he dives in for fish and chips.  He tried to mount me in flight yesterday. He can fly upside down you know.
Pauline:  Ditz, hang in there.  You know male gracks don't help out with the nest.  They ride you for a week and off they go.  It is a decent week for sure, even ole Stumpy was a great week but all his eggs but one were useless. The seagulls drug them off.  Those flying rat bastards can kiss my ass.
Ditzy:  Don't worry about me, you should be worrying about your Roseakia, I saw her eating pebbles yesterday.  You know what that means.  The males can smell the eggs production.
Pauline:  She is only eight weeks old, her tail feathers have not even split yet, I hope it was just a stuck gizzard.
Ditzy: Hey Blue Head, do you care how old they are and what about a stuck gizzard? Hey look, there is a box of fries under that table.
What happened to Ole Stumpy?
Pauline:  He was chasing some Mockingbird tail and got hit by a bus.  I saw his stumpy pecker on the grill of the north loop.  These fries are wet, does it get any better, now does it Ditz?
Ditzy:  I think that shrimp tail gave me gas, do I look bloated from the side?

They both flew of to banyan tree to get some ants.  It is sort of like hot wings I guess.

I always enjoy the pool even next to the ocean.

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