Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday

It is Anna's birthday today

Jack Nicholson's birthday is today

Lewis Malloney was born in Breakface Falls, Pennsylvania 1n 1842 and he is known for being the first person to jump into the mixing waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans when the Panama Canal was finished (in 1914).  Unfortunately for ole Lewy, it was the year 1913 and  the water was only eleven  inches deep.  He actually landed on the last living Saber toothed Tiger forever sealing his fate.  They both were killed instantly.  His greatest fame came in 1993 when the governing board of the Darwin Awards posthumously awarded him with a Double Darwin Award.  He not only dead ended  his genes from the earth by having no children that lived, but also slammed shut the gene pool on the Saber Toothed Tiger. 

Over achievers need to be careful!

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