Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Science: Fractal

A completely cool and mind blowing link.  Take extreme care! 
One of my first blogs was about the spirograph.

 The Uber-fractal toy for all ages.

I love fractal anything.  I think that all things are fractal.  A lie is a fractal.  Yes, even a penis is a fractal.  A rose by any other name, yep, fractal.

How you say?

What! you ponder?

It is just what I think.  Every since I saw eight million of my reflections in the tri-fold mirrors at J C Penny's I have been hooked on fractal.  Oh wait, No, Damn Skippy, fractal.  (My headaches started when my brother told me the reflection goes on forever)

Any part of a lie is still a lie. 
Can a bunch of penises grouped together make a single penis,  Most definitely, look at congress.
A bunch of roses is a rose bush.  Well, it could be.

Happy Friday

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