Thursday, April 28, 2011


I have this recurring dream about going to college.  It is usually Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.  The interesting aspects of these dreams  is that I am almost always naked.  Typically, I have not been to class for a while and I have trouble remembering my class schedule or where the classroom is located. In one dream, I found the classroom but these giant stone lions were blocking the door.  While trying to climb over them, I noticed I was naked.  Sometimes it is a high school dream and I am trying to play football again.  I cannot open my locker to get my uniform for the game.  I played part of a game in one dream with just a helmet and shoulder pads, no pants.  The game was almost as boring as this post and my life.

In last night's dream I was heading to class and I decided to cut through the Administration building so maybe I would not be late to class.  Once inside the Admin building, I noticed some guy was fixing a fire truck and it was not the Admin building at all.  It was a repair garage at least several blocks from the school.  I walked out the bay just avoiding an oil spill on the floor. I pick up a full sheet of plywood and decide to head east for campus whilst the wind blew me to and fro.  I come across a couple of ole fools just walking around.  We are joined by the town veterinarian who is trying to save a miniature deer. Back in his office the Dead Parrot sketch is running on the wall while he tries to fix the deer's leg.  I am pretty sure the leg is not fixable.

Now, here is where it gets strange,  I am young, interested in learning and  my nakedness is seemingly not offensive.  I see the old fools just walking down the street, kicking up dust and telling lies.

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