Monday, April 4, 2011

Joke Book

I have been having a writing dry spell so I dug up an old "joke book" that I used to keep notes in.  Whenever I found something peckish, ironic or worthy of a muse I would scribble it down in the book.  The comedian David Brenner used to say he would wake up from a particular funny dream and put it in his book and go back to sleep.  In the morning it would be just scribbling or make no sense whatsoever.  Many of these thoughts were jotted down while driving so my life and others were in peril to preserve this fine humor. 

Here are some excerpts from my joke book.  Here is a legend to help you understand.

Legend  *****    this means I cannot make out the letters or just a line
                @@@   this means I have no idea what it means or says

Example 1:  "Priest mak*****, @@@@@ts, **Llama and his tongue.  (make sure the to describe it)"

Example 2:  "People walking with each step, the toe pointing in a different direction". 
I remember thinking about this when I wrote it down.  It was something quite funny.  I took great care to write it clearly but it is now about a year later, I have no idea what it was and why it was so funny.

Example 3:  "Glow in the dark striped condoms with barn****@@**@@ly  @ train.  this way and that"
  I can see how I may have thought something funny was going on here.

Example 4:  @*@**@@@******________--------##$$$%**
I am so very sure that I am a funny guy and that these scribbles had some needed humor in them. 

These thoughts are lost forever, never to cause a smile or brighten a moment of time.  It is a damn shame.  I need to do better.

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