Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Player: Part IV

Player:  Hey man, let me tell you about this hammerknocker I picked up last night.  She was tall with this big ole ass and strong legs!

Sensible:Was it a she-man?

Player: What? Hell no, she had these fine melons, my hammer jammer was jumpin, she wore me out!

Sensible:  I just read this article in Moron Magazine that said seven percent of women picked up in bars are actually men who had a sex change operation.  The article was written by a male Gynecologist that was married to a man for ten years and did not know it. His wife had the operation when he/she was nineteen years old.  They got married when they were in their early twenties while the doctor guy was in medical residency.  He never knew.

Player:  Ah, shit, I could tell, I checked that monkey if you know what I mean.

Sensible:  I do not and do not tell me.  Did you have a flashlight and your glasses on.  You know you can not see for shit without them on. 

Player:  I can tell, I had a friend who was a transvestite when I was growing up.

Sensible:  Did you sleep with him too?   You know your friend Pookie told you that male is the best tail!

Player:  Na!  Pookie also screwed a chicken while it was stuck in the fence.

Sensible:  Remember that guy who married that North Korean spy lady who was actually a man spying for the North.  He consummated the marriage with her but she never completely undressed.  She would just get him all worked up and well, she/he gave him the ole Gregg I guess.

I saw the Player fumbling with his Player's Card.  He was visibly shaken.

Sensible:  How many women have you picked up in bars in the last ten years.  fifteen, maybe 20?

Player:  Shit no, probly seventy five, maybe one hundred!

Sensible:  Jolly Roger then, statistics say at least four and maybe as many as eight were actually men with wood waiting for that hammer of yours.

Player: (Player was pale green by now)  Hey man, have you ever called this 800 assistance number on the back of your card. 

Sensible:  Oh, you mean 1800PLAYERS, no, I tore my card up years ago.  I hear they have insurance now.  I hope they did not outsource the help line to India. Oh, did that hammerknocker have long fingers, you know about fingers?

Player ran to the bathroom and yelled,
 "Hey, you got any comet, I need to scrub something!"
I love to bring the Player down a notch.  The Boys asked me to keep an eye on him.  He could be a contender, an inspiration.  There are some rough edges that will take some grinding.

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