Thursday, December 1, 2011

When Will They Learn-NEVER

I reviewed pictures of tunnels assembled by drug runners and the entire article reminded me of Hogan's Heroes.  These tunnels cost thousands of dollars to build with only a small chance of completion without being detected.  The article talked of the insatiable appetites for drugs in the United States.  Our feeble incompetent government spends billions of dollars try to stop billions of dollars worth of drugs from entering.  Why not spend some millions on preventing the need for drugs from another country and save some time, money and resources. 

I just saw an article on "horse slaughtering facilities in the US".  It seems that the moronic policy to ban horse slaughter in this country because of humane reasons only increased the inhumanity to horses.  Now they are sent to other countries where they are treated even worse to be processed and then we have to import the meat.  The export of horses to Mexico increased 600 percent when the ban went into effect.  Will the fascists of this country ever learn that banning something does not stop it.  Lets ban books, lets ban interracial marriage, lets ban Jews, Muslims and Mormons from everything.  That will stop all the evilness in the world.  Death will take a holiday.  Why not ban alcohol consumption?  There are all sorts of problems with poor consumption of the ole -OH.  Oh wait, that was a huge failure, wasn't it.  Prohibition made millionaires out of many people especially the judges and those politicians. 

It used to be said that the need for education is so that we can learn from history.  Well, with the average person on the street being completely clueless of history, science, religion and mathematics and how it relates to our lives and futures, it is no wonder our society is in such a mess.  The wake up call has been slept through, the ignoramuses are winning and I am tired.  Call me when it is over, on second thought, do not call me, I will not recognize the number.

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