Wednesday, December 7, 2011

College Algerbra

I received my test back with a score of 67.  Hmm, this must be a mistake I thought.  I studied way hard enough to get a 70.  I scanned the paper and there it was, question #13. 

13.  2+X=Y    Solve for X.    I answered "X=2"  and the teacher marked a big red X through it.

After class I approached the teacher. 

Snetty:  Ms. Cloughman, I think you incorrectly marked my paper.
Cloughman:  Oh, Mr. Snetty, nice to see you showed up two days in a row.  What can I help you with?
Snetty:  Question 13, I put the answer "2" and you marked it wrong.
Cloughman:  That is because it is wrong.
Snetty:  Well of course the answer is 2.
Cloughman:  You were supposed to derive the equation, its all variables, there is not enough info to say what X equals all the time.
Snetty:  But the answer is 2, what kind of derivation is required.
Cloughman:  Mr. Snetty, you have about ten seconds and then I have another class to lecture.
Snetty:  So, if I subtract Y from both sides you get 2+X-Y=0, that does not simplify anything.
Cloughman:  Mr. Snetty, I do not have time for this.
Snetty:  Ok, wait, X is 2 because Y is 4 so 2+2=4, correct?
Cloughman:  I have to go, what if Y was 6?
Snetty:  Y is never 6.  That would make  4=6-2 and that is so prosaic!
As she wiggled her cute butt past me and down the hall, she said:
Cloughman:  I see your point, I will change the grade.

When I got my report card I received a C in Algebra which looked really cool above the C in Organic Chemistry, the C in Cell Physiology and the C in COBOL.  At the bottom of the report card there was a GPA number for that semester.  You will never guess what it was, yep, the magical value of X.  "2.0" which is 2.  I went to the registrars office and showed the important looking mother figure lady at the counter  my report card. 

Registrar:  Yes young man,  how can I help you?
Snetty:  Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt.
Registrar: Excuse me?
Snetty:  This is my report card, I got a "C" in every class.
Registrar: That is passing!
Snetty:  I do not have to take any of them over again?
Registrar: Nope, you passed the semester.
Snetty:  Hmmmp.

Off I went to charge the next windmill.

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