Monday, December 5, 2011

Bottle Tops

In Margaritaville, there is a serious injury from a pop top.  Ban them, ban them all.  Actually, you rarely see them anymore for pop. (soda north of the Mason-Dickson)  Beer bottles still use them.  My lava lamp has one but it is twenty five years old.  Many people feel that a beer tops, twist off or impossible to get off do not need to be in a trash bin.  Beer tops, newly relieved from a crimped existence, are free spirited entities and must be mysteriously flicked into the wild blue sailing as a flying saucer onto some parking lot or lawn. 

I am not sure why pop bottles have mostly gone plastic with screw tops.  Beer can be found in plastic at ball games of all sorts where rudeness is still tolerated.  At hockey games they used to heat bottle caps up with a lighter and fling them on the ice.  Well, I have heard of squid (octopus), dimes and fish being throw onto a hockey rink.  I heard someone once threw a hubcap from a car onto the ice.  I guess security was not curious why a man was taking a hubcap to a hockey game yet do not dare try to sneak a bottle of cherry sloe gin into the arena. 

Beer tops are make of steel and covered inside and out with plastic so rusting and disintegrating is a slow process.  I find them in my pasture and only carbon dating can for sure tell me how old they are.  If I knew the selection would have been so varied I would have started a collection.   They will want to see my bottle top collection. 
"They'll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. Of course, we won't mind if you look around, you'll say. It's only $20 per person. They'll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack. And they'll walk out to the bleachers; sit in shirtsleeves on a perfect afternoon." 

Henry David Thoreau did not speak of the manifest rights to fling bottle caps all over the place.  The Magna Carta did not speak of the God given rights of littering.  Did Thomas Paine say "Give me bottle caps hovering like flying saucers or give me death!"
I think John Adams said "Sam, pickup your bottle caps, the wenches will be hear in a fortnight and this is not a pig puddle."

No, I am sure the manufacturers of bottle caps assumed, as the cigarette makers did that people would use a waste receptacle.  The designers could not imagine the thrill of flicking a cap like skipping a stone on water but on air.  I could have imagined it but I have issues that we cannot go into in just a few paragraphs.  Control your caps is all I am saying. 

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