Thursday, February 14, 2019

I'm Just A Singer (in a rock and roll band)

This is a 1973 hit single by the English progressive rock band The Moody Blues.  One of the great things about this song and I really guess I mean video is that when the band says "I'm just a singer in a rock and roll ba-and" they are get these really childish grins.  I assume it is because they are really enjoying themselves and "still" cannot believe they are getting paid for this shit.  At least I hope that is what is going on.  There is nothing more gratifying than getting paid to do something you enjoy.  It reminds me of the feeling I had when I was in college and I would walk home thinking out loud, "I just sit there and they jam tons of awesome stuff into my brain, I love it.  I can do this forever."  And since it took me 6.5 years to get a degree I am sure my parents/advisioners thought I may have to do it forever. 

Another great thing about this song is when I was young and impressionable and heard the lyrics "I'm just a wandering on the face of this earth", it chilled my core because they used the word "wandering" as a noun.  It is a powerful word that can be used easily as a verb as in "What are you doing?, Wandering!", an adverb, "I am forever wandering", an adjective, "I am a wandering whore", and in this song, a noun.  "I am just a wandering....".  At twelve years of age, such grammatical assaults are uncalled for and quite abrupt.  I never looked at language the same after that.  I bashed the rules of grammar from then on and till this day.  I have been told that I can really turn a phrase.  

Now if I can just figure out how to get people to read what I write.  Rabbit hole coming up in 5,4,3,2,1, Imagine falling falling like Alice in Wonderland.  When her dressed popped open like a parachute I was about 12-13 years of age and all I was looking at was her bloomers.  What?, one thing I have found is that I am not the only one of the face of the earth that thinks like that.  What about the artist that drew it?  

Check out the Moody Blues, it will not disappoint. 

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