Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Player Gets Caught part V

The Player just hung up from one of his bitches on his alternate and secret cell phone number.  His wife calls on the regular cell phone number.  She does not know his phone can receive two numbers.  His secrete number has silent alerts and hidden text message receiving.

Player:  Hey Babe, whats up.
Wife:  Some bitch just called named Mandy and said you don't love me any more and you actually love her and so since I do not work, I should move my sorry ass out and she wants to move in.

The Player over corrected and drove into on-coming traffic.  The lady with the miniature Schnauzer in the silver Izuzu will never look at a leisurely drive quite the same way. The Player, in true form never put down the phone or stopped talking as he re-corrected.  He is good.

Player:  Those boys at the Barber Shop, Mandy is one of the whores that hangs with Jess.  The boys put her up to that.   Mandy, no way, she has crooked teeth and a wandering eye.
Wife:  Where the hell are you?
Player:  I am just passing the  I-10 exit.  I should be home in twenty.  Hey honey, there is a lot of traffic, let me call you back.

There was no traffic, the Player had stopped to check his underwear.  He was sweating profusely and breathing hard.

Player:  Hey, Mandy, what the fuck is your problem.  (he is looking at the phone while yelling in to it) Did I not tell you I would see you tomorrow!
Bitch:  I know but I miss you and it has been three days since I saw you.  I was lonely.
Player:  Well, you are gonna be a lot more lonely.  We are done!  I can't have bitches calling my house talking to my wife.  I will be there in five minutes to get my shit.

The Player knows that bitches are crazy and if he leaves a sock or a shirt there, or even cologne, she may take it to his wife to prove their love affair.  Now she is just lonely, soon she will be extremely pissed off.  The Player pulls into Mandy's apartment complex which is quite covieniently on his way home from work.

Player:  (knocking on the door) Mandy, let me in.
Bitch:  No, you are gonna hit me!
Player:  I should hit you, just let me in and lets talk about this.
Bitch:  You gonna hit me?
Player:  No, too many people around.

The Player starts telling Mandy that she is a fine girl while all the time rounding up his cloths, notes, cards etc.  He even took the perfume he gave her.  Which quite coincidentally was the same type he buys his wife.  Women have a great sense of smell.  They can tell a strange smell better than a drug dog.  Pepperoni does not even work on women.

Player:  Mandy, I do love you but I can not trust you any more, Bye!

He backs out the door and runs to his car which is parked about six units away out of sound and gun range.  His wife is expecting him soon.

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