Monday, May 2, 2011

I knew it, I knew it, I freakin knew it.

Justin Bieber's hair, I knew I had seen that hair before.

So, now how does this fit into my "fractal" theory.  I know it is part of the "nothing is really new" and "history repeats itself" and that is certainly true for styles.  I remember Michael Jackson and the moon walk, James Brown did it thirty years earlier. I will have to think on it, I cannot use the "dust to dust" thing on this one.  Kinda weak.

I started to wonder about his hair when I saw a video of Nataly Dawn of Pomplamoose a while ago.  I could not get past the green eyes until I saw the HAIR.

I knew it, Epiphany! Damn skippy. Ok, so I was wrong about that guy in the leopard print leotard with the boots. Once maybe twice.  Ok, a bunch but I knew it.

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