Thursday, May 5, 2011

Aggressors, foreign and domestic

Why, what we need is a little individualism taking hold and someone kicking ass on things like "supply chain" , "trickle down economics" and "intelligent design" all of which are propped up by voodoo science.  You cannot find two great mathematical or scientific studies that are worth a pound of pig shit on these topics. 


For those who do not know, "Supply Chain" is a business strategy for lots of companies that merge into a huge mega company.  There is a theory that they will save money if they de-centralize everything and share procurement, human resources, engineering and logistics across the entire 150 thousand employees.   It sounds great and looks great on charts.   A now huge layer of Management is very happy because they can look at pictures and charts while they are at their health clubs trying to bone the towel boy/girl.  The usefulness of supply chain is that it eliminates the need for intelligent managers and probably cuts down on lawsuits.

Trick down economics is basically, "If the rich get richer, they will most likely have to hire more pool boys/girls to bone at a lower cost because they are all replaceable.  So unemployment goes down and poverty broadens its base.  Greed will never feed the orphans and widows. 

Intelligent design says than some intelligent force created the universe.  So what, does that mean that the theory of evolution is not a theory.  Does intelligent design explain how the force created pet dogs and dinosaurs.  NO, and it does not try to.  That is ok but it is not science and it is not a theory so do not teach it as one.  Teach it as a faith based fact.  When we were kids we hated the reason for anything being "because I said so" even if it was God who said so. 

Ignorance and the greatest enemy of the State.  Sheep and chickens are the dumbest animals ever domesticated.  That is what They (the burgermiesters) are trying to do to us.  Make us ignorant and docile so we will not see the slaughter.

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