Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Sciences: Why bother

My son said to my wife the other day, "You would be amazed how well things grow when you water and fertilize them".   My wife told me this because she is always telling me I don't do it right or whatever.    I said, "Anyone can grow things with water and fertilizer, what  is the trick in that?"  That reminded me of Roy Pearse, an old mentor of mine that taught me all kinds of stuff.  He told me a story about an engineer guy that wanted a grant from NASA to develop a way to grow plants on the moon.  He was at some meeting about future NASA projects and gave some preliminary information about the potential project.  Well, they asked Roy his opinion of the guys proposal. 

Roy:  Are you going to grow it in dirt?  (I think Ralph like people to think he was more of a hick than he was)
Eager Engineer:  (with dollar signs in his eyes) Yes, moon soil.
Roy:  Water, are you going to use regular water?
Eager Engineer:  Recycled, yes, nutrient balanced.
Roy:  (nodding ) Good, good, Sunlight, are you gonna use sunlight?
Eager Engineer:  Oh yes, of course.
Roy:  Hmmm.  I know a guy in Kansas that does this kinda thing.  Been doing it for years.  He knows just how to grow lots of stuff with dirt, water and sunlight.

Roy was not really a mean guy, he just wanted people to think a little bit before opening their mouths in public.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste.  The greatest commercial ever on television.  Science bothers both the rich and the rigid, scares the religious and the righteous but it should not.  It is just discovery. 

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