Monday, May 23, 2011

Last week

Last week, the blog was on the fritz.  I could not post anything.  I was cyberscrewed.  I think often about what actually could happen if communications as we now know it would get interupted.  I assume the people that know how it all works can keep it going. I know that satallites are involved and solar flares can damage them.  We are heading into an active cylce on the sun.  When I was a kid growing up in central Florida, There were fires all the time.  Rarely did they effect anything, same with hurricanes.  Now there are four times as many people in central Florida and they live where all those fires used to go.  I think it is the same with the solar winds.  Now days everything related to communication has to do with satellites and can we always expect the powers to take care of it all?

 We are bent over screwed.  

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