Monday, April 8, 2019

"Somebody's Baby"

This is a song written by Jackson Browne and Danny Kortchmar[1] and recorded by Browne for the 1982 Fast Times at Ridgemont High movie soundtrack.  I have not seen the entire movie if you can believe that. 

I know the take on the song but later in life, the line "She must be somebody's baby" had a larger meaning as a parent.  It is strange how that happens.  This song just popped into my head and it has been there every since that 1:30 am awakening.  I went right back to sleep but the song is still there and I rememberd thinking about it.  It was not until morning that I remembered it was Jackson Browne with an E at the end. 

Since I am a bad speller and grammar guy, an E at the end is important.

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