Wednesday, March 7, 2012


The more I think about it, the more I like the word delusional.  Whenever someone calls someone else "delusional" I find myself chuckling.  Actually, being delusional can be a very serious problem.  An altered version of reality is scary for the non-delusional.  All politicians are delusional.  They take a class in it.  I knew a guy that regardless of the argument you put forth to disprove his statement, he would just repeat his position louder.   Many people said he was delusional but he was actually a stupid bonehead that enjoyed arguing.  

I remember my dad explaining someone as delusional.  It had to do with a football or baseball coach friend of his.  Dad got all serious and said, "I think he is delusional!"    I Actually think being deluded is becoming the normal state.  It may have always been that way except now with all the tweets, wired news and blogs such as this one, peoples opinions or delusions are expressed.  I am sure Southerners thought Abraham Lincoln was delusional.  Martin Luther was considered a delusional madman to most of his day.  My dad was fairly grounded.  His only delusion was trying to play fair and expecting others to play fair.  He was a radical, I know.

The guy that has been walking the length of Cocoa Beach almost daily for forty years is most likely delusional.  I wonder what his parameters are.  Is he governed by time, distance or foil heads from Meepzorp?  There was another guy that wore shorts three sizes too small and would ride a broken down old bike from Cocoa over the bridge ten miles to somewhere east of Eden.  At least he did not wear a super hero costume because that would have made in NUTS and delusional.  The Mohawk guy on the three wheeled bike may have been deluded but that would be the least of his problems.  He talked to stop signs, yelled at red lights, would not look at a human being and sometimes wore a skirt with no pants.  Maybe he was from Scotland.

The best parts about delusions are that they are comfortable and usually not dangerous.  They could be considered major tenants of our personality.  My little bubble of security is very cozy. 

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