Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I have been thinking about color quite a bit lately.  I look at the sunsets and see pinks, reds, blue, gray and yellow.  I saw green clouds the other day.  The world order seemed content.  Then I remembered that if you mix all the colors on picture, the color you get is close to black.  If you mix red light, blue light and yellow light and shine them overlapping on the wall, you will see a white light. I cannot deal with that effectively.  It is like fiction and non fiction.  Observe the irony of this next interlude.

Officer Hernandez:  "That boy's story was a complete fiction!  I do not believe a word he says."
Sargent Wilson:  "I know, when will he ever start telling non-fiction?"
Officer Hernandez:  "That boy's story was a complete lie.  I do not believe a word he says."
Sargent Wilson:  "I know, when will he ever start telling non-lies?"  Non lies?  There is word for that, truth!  When will he start telling the truth.

Who talks like that!  It is negative logic.  color is like that.  Mix all the colors in a crayon box and you get black but if you mix then as light you get white.  If you mix yellow with red, you get orange.  Blue with yellow you get green, Blue with red you get purple.  If you mix blue with red and a little yellow, you get my favorite Crayola color, periwinkle first introduced in the twenty four pack of crayola crayons in the Nineteen sixties.   I learned a great deal about multiplication from crayola boxes.  The number of crayons and additional colors were increased in multiples of eight.  I found those metrics helpful in looking at numbers.  It was sort of a spacial application of sets of numbers and of course, colors.  Math has negative logic.  How about dividing fractions, "just invert and multiply".  I am not sure but standing on my head and multiplying is not going to help.
Many of the Barbizon and Hudson River painters did not use black paint in their pictures.  In nature, there are very few examples of black color.  Coal and charcoal are black.  Human hair can be black although to paint it would not require black paint.  There are no black plants.  The black skin of even the most black Nigerian is not black.  The skin shade is almost blue.  A crow or a grackle is not black, not even a black bird. 

I remember, out west, in the mountains about Cedar City, the sky was so blue it hurt my eyes.  The thin air and low humidity enabled the blue to be dark yet bright.   Similar to the blue waters of the Caribbean.  In Florida, the greens are so rich you can smell them.  There are five hundred shades of green in Florida.  The Grand Canyon has six thousand colors all changing with the angle of the sun.  There is so much color in the canyon you have to cry in order to breath again.  The yellows of a sunset in the Appalachians are sinfully vibrant and cannot be painted accurately.  Many have tried. 

The colors of my dreams outdo any in my life.  They are hauntingly pure.  Yes, colors.

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