Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nuclear Weapon Stuff

As a tenant of my blog and a ground rule for operation of such, I try to stay away from serious, injurious subjects like horrible deaths and melting parts unless I can be satirical and jaded and laugh a little.  Johnny Carson used to say, "It is hard to make jokes about Abraham Lincoln."  I feel that way about gross bodily functions and torture. 
Recently, the paranoid fringe, complete with their racist, prejudice, hate-mongering and bile spitting sociopathic bedfellows has concocted a nice story about Iran and nuclear war.  Last year we were worried about radical, independent Islamists creating "dirty" bombs and causing the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl but in L.A. or Cleveland.  A few years before that we were worried about the Freemen of Montana and the The Polygamist Scurge.  Before that it was about John Lennon or any Union sympathiser with skin darker than mine ruining our way of life by asking the world to treat all people fairly. 

Hopefully we can all forget the Y2K concern (the geek software industry rising up to create the Dot com bubble) and now we have the Mayan 2012 ting.  I wish some of these disasters would actually happen so someone, anyone could say, "See, I knew it!".    (California and the San Andreas Fault is going to have the BIG dance this year.  I predicted December 2011 but I recalculated and my new prediction is "soon")  The problem is the average person in our blind, ignorant country does not consider the Tsunami in Thailand several years ago or the one in Japan as  End Times type occurrences but they were.  911 instantly killed about 3000 mostly American people and another  US soldiers 4,400 died in Iraq since.  At least 150,000 others (mostly Innocent Iraqi) were killed.  Really, you do not think that the people in Iraq have had the most horrendous ten years of any generation since Pol Pot.   

Let me be clear, Iran has enough radioactive and nuclear material to screw up the entire world and a conventional nuclear bomb would be a relief compared to a full out war and a dirty bomb.   Look at Afghanistan, Sudan and North Korea.  Instant incineration would be preferred to the current situations.   Not to mention Iran has the technical and scientific intelligence to wreck any major power with the"dirty bombs" or biological junk.  They have not engaged the infidels because they do not want to.  I also know from observation that "martyrdom is in the visions of the poor and the frustrated".  The leaders of these armies and governments (Syria, Hamas, Iran) enjoy being in charge and large.  They are not going to unleash a nuclear bomb on anyone because that will be the end of them and their families, probably horrifically.  In the next few years,  Iran will possess a deliverable nuclear weapon, regardless of what we as a country or a globe want or do.   The time has passed to convince them that Iran does not need a nuclear weapon to defend their borders.  They just may need it.  The US needed it to keep the Soviet  Union's socialist bent out of Cuba.   Boy, that was a successful policy.  A wise government would have insured that the Pittsburgh Pirates drafted Fidel Castro in the late 1950's and there would have been no socialist revolution in Cuba and subsequently South and Central America.

Way too much ranting for my health but remediation must continue.  Will Iran launch a nuclear attack, No.  Will someone, probably.  Will it be the end times, probably not.  Will it suck giant ones, yes.  Will I cry.  Yes. 

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