Friday, May 18, 2012

To go forward

I wonder if I could get on with my minimal hermetical lifestyle.  I have eliminated so many constraints of a capitalistic lifestyle.  Henry David Thoreau may have been proud of me for shunning much of society. Would Jesus be proud of my socialist bent, my care for the poor and the widowed?  I do not think He would feel I have done close to enough.   Could anyone more sane than insane deal with this society, this world?  Was society always this frustrating, this hedonistic?

Thoreau would not even notice me, our types are invisible.  Not only do I live in seclusion, I shun the light of cameras, the light of day and the light of life.  Jesus will keep prodding me, giving me not only the opportunity to see the light but join the light.  Shadow dwellers will see a great light!

What I can see is a logical end to a position and none of the ends to any positions have light in the tunnel, not to mention at the end.  No, I am not depressed, I am resigned to long suffering.  I am sure the end years of my life will not be better than the beginning years or the middle decades.  My children will not have an easier time than I.  I have not prepared them properly, how can a wannabe hermit prepare his children.  My grandchildren will have such a completely different life, I assume much harder, certainly more complicated and less prosperous.  Danger, not fear will play a major role in shaping the next millennium. 

I am not afraid of something so uncontrollable as nuclear war or a Cuban hoard invading the US.  The danger will be from my neighbors, people with no hope, starving people with starving children.  I will be attacked by extremely well armed people that will take what they want.  Some of them will be the same ones that hate working, hate immigrants, hate people with less than white skin.  Some of them will just have hungry children, sick kids.  They will look across the fence and see a house, a yard and people with fake smiles.  They will see a car seemingly going to work every day.  They will see fat horses, cats and a swollen dog. 

Our society is collapsing and all we can do is dig in.  Well that is not all.  We will need to dig in as we reach out to help others dig in.  We will need to create a survival network. An atmosphere of love, not enablement.  It would be so nice if the end would be a meteor hitting the ocean or all the continents slamming into each other.  The end would be swift and very few would survive to blame, or to be jealous of anyone.  How can anyone really blame a government for a meteor although some would try.  I can hear these words already, "They should have hired a Sunni to run the government, or a white guy, or at least make sure it was a guy. "

A cave is a better hiding place than my farm, and better than a secret room in a boarding house. Instead, I am going to hide in plain sight.  I will keep the lights off, keep the dog quiet.  I will make sure the house does not look too fine or the yard too well kept.  I will have yard sales once in a while to make it look like I need money like the rest of us.  I will wear cloths with holes in them but we all know they are the most comfortable.  I will plant a useless garden, one that does not really produce anything.  I will wave to all the passerbys and force a frown from my face.  A crooked down spout and a leaning fence will go a long way to forcing others to assume I am needy and broke.  Hiding in  plain sight is harder than living in a cave.

We will all have to do with less, and there is less time to do what needs to be done.  Minimal pay, minimal work.  Minimal life.  Niiiiiiiice!

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