Friday, May 25, 2012

Dandruff Shampoo

Dandruff shampoo or anti-dandruff shampoo?  There is a grammar war going on in the shampoo isle of the grocery store.  Technically, shampoo to fight dandruff would be anti-dandruff shampoo.  I see anti-itch but not itch shampoo.  I see anti itch dandruff shampoo.  I do not see anti itch anti dandruff stuff. 

I have always assumed "dandruff" shampoo is for those who have dandruff and that they prevent flaking and itching.  Well here is a news flash.  The medical community does not completely understand Seborrhea or flaking skin mostly associated with dandruff.  What are we paying them for, geez louiz.  I mean we have the human genome project and we do not understand dandruff. We spend a billion dollars a year on shampoo that the medical people do not make any money on.  I find that hard to believe.  According to my sources, most shampoos and treatments are directed toward reducing inflammation of the skin.  The skin must flame up and flake off like heat tiles on the Shuttle.  The itching is associated with the skin flaking.  The shampoos try to reduce the inflammation.  I know, that sounds quite simplistic. 

I do not think we should be anti dandruff.  Have we walked a mile in their shoes?  Have we tried to imagine being dry skin, a flake?  Well, I have and sloughing off to be left behind for a mite's dinner is no way to live.  Flakes have rights.  Give me adhesion or give me dandruff shampoo.  Don't chafe on me.  I will itch no more forever!

I would be happy if all shampoo would eliminate or reduce dandruff.  It is possible, only to dream.  I wonder if they had dandruff on Star Trek, they did not have headaches.  Mom said children cannot have headaches. 

1 comment:

  1. And your mom was wrong!! (PS. don't tell her I said that.)
