Friday, April 20, 2012

the moth in the bathroom

Why is there a moth in the bathroom?
What is a moth doing in there?
How long has there been a moth in my bathroom?
Is it lost or is it looking for someone?
Are moths trying to make contact with Us?
Did they create the whole "Go to the light" thing?
Why can't moths be more like butterflies?
How long will I have a moth in my bathroom?
Maybe the moth will go out for lunch, maybe it came in for lunch?
You think the moth could tell the mosquitoes to knock it off with all that buzzing?
What is that dusty fuzzy stuff that gets on your phalanges when you touch a moth, cooties?
I know flies have thick heads for running into windows and stuff, do moths have some defense against the lights burning their little lips and toes?
Do you think they like the new compact fluorescent bulbs?
How do moths feel about the Grandaddy Long Leg on the next tile?
Does this particular moth want my help because tomorrow it will be dead for some reason?
Will it be dead tomorrow regardless of my efforts?
Is the bathroom the "last room", the Elephant's graveyard?

Dead moths always at first seem bigger than live moths.  I guess that is death in a nutshell, The loved one seems so big when death first happens.  All of the texts, emails and phone calls about the death create a large bubble of life.  As it should.   Soon though, the deceased looks so small at the viewing and the event gets smaller and smaller until there is only one left to pray for the family.  The hole in the ground seems big at first, then by the time the preacher has spoken of whom he most surely does not know, the hole is filled in and the focus seems very small.  

The moth has died.  It is under the sink and I was prepared for it to be somewhere under something in its last ditch attempt to be the center of attention.  I knew the moth would be dead in the morning.  That did not make  it any easier to see through the moisture in my eyes.

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