Thursday, February 25, 2016

Oscar Reviews

My reviews

Mad Max,   I never can watch movies with titles like this.  I cannot believe he is still mad.  What is he mad at.  Maybe they should have called it Furry Road there there would be something to be mad about, a road made of furs.

Bridge of Spies.  Give Tom Hanks the award.  He knows what love is.  The title is a rip off of "Bridge of Sighs" by Robin Trower so there is that. 

The Martian.  No, I just watched a rerun of "My Favorite Martian", now that was acting.

Ryan Gosling, no, Micheal Keaton, really?  Maybe if they were two homosexuals trying to keep a job, now that would be a movie.

The Big Short.  This title is too confusing.  So is the suspense of the movie.  Not enough violence.

Brooklyn.  It is about immigrants and hope.  Never make it with about a third of the people in this country because as we all know immigration is a socialist liberal bent and hope is anti-fascist-conservative hooha.  Another third cannot see it because they are working three jobs just to afford to go to a movie.  That leave a third of the country which is comprised of whinny dints who will watch anything as long as they have their phones and can be rude in the dark.

Best screenplay should go to "The Nutcracker"  which is about a college frat game where frat boys and girls have a contest to make pledges crack up and quit school.  

Best Sound Track would have gone to Bridge of Spies if they would have use Trower's stuff.

Best Adult Animation in a  Useless Category  would go to "The Ice Princess warms up to Ivan" which is a story loosely based on Catherine the Great. 

Best Host in a Reality Game Show would go to Drew Cary for the host of "Sewer Bowling for Homeless People"

It was a slow year.


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