Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pile of Bones

I know I am being selfish, and for me that feels like I am taking the wrong position, making a mistake, it seems like the wrong choice.  If I die a slow death today I will have a heap of regrets, only a few of them will be related to “not doing for my children”.  I am in a protracted unsatisfied time and I am not sure what to do about it.  I am sure that continuing to do what I have done for fifty five years is not the solution.  I was clueless the first thirty five years and I have no excuse for the last seven thousand three hundred and ten days.
I am throwing a tantrum and that fact by itself leads me to believe, again that  I am making a mistake but as with a tantrum, I just do not care and I am not going to change my mind.  I cannot give any more concrete reasons for my feelings or my choices and the only other good thing about a tantrum besides the feeling of “I just threw up something that did not suite me” is that logic and decorum are not required. 
I am making a choice and there are many or even most that will not like it.  I too will have to live with it as they will.  It may end up as a bone on my pile of regrets but I doubt it will keep me out of heaven.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Sometimes it is so clear!

 Sometimes there is a voice in the wilderness that burns through the fog and slaps you in the face.

(Unlike my last post which I am still trying to figure out what the hell I was thinking.)

“I would go to war with words, not weapons. I would die talking before I lifted a weapon.  I think that’s the answer to peace in the Middle East.  Peace in the Middle East isn’t going to be created by another war or violent act on the other side. It’s going to be created by someone like yourself and someone like me, two individuals who have a belief and who can talk to another group of individuals and people start changing their minds. It’s not a magic trick.”

Mandy Patinkin

If our government would take one third of the money we spend on war efforts and use it to encourage waring people to find a common ground and workable solutions not only would a bunch of politicians be cut out of the money but most of government would no longer be needed.

To say anything more would degrade this blog into utter udderness.