Friday, August 24, 2012

Ten things I know about Fishing part 2

pocket fisherman
1. Do not confuse "going fishing" with "catching fish". If catching fish is the goal, then lots of fish equals good fishing. If the fun is in the "going" then there are tons of options. I love fishing as in "going fishing". I really do not care about catching anything. Some people are what my dad called "ambulance chasers". They are a restless lot and they cast a few times and if nothing is caught or no bites, they pick up everything and move to a new spot. To me, that is not fishing, that is being a pain in the butt. Why would anyone want to get all aggravated every ten minutes or so by moving to a new spot. I guess if you want to catch some fish, that may be required but that is not fishing. That is "chasing" fish. I do not chase dogs so I am sure as hell not going to chase a fish unless he has my car keys or something. I chased a baby bull one time and soon it tired of being chased and started chasing me. There is a lesson in there somewhere. Catching fish is exciting. The strong pull on the line, the excitement of catching the "big one". Fish, even the ugly ones are beautiful and amazing. I usually end up throwing every one of them back. I am losing the heart to kill and clean them. I do not consider myself any kind of expert fisherman if I catch a bunch of fish. I just figure the fish are having a bad day and I am just there to make it worse.  I have gone fishing and I have caught fish.  I have gone fishing and not caught fish.  I once caught a fish and was not fishing.  Usually I do not go fishing and do not catch fish but I know the difference. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ten things I know about fishing Part 1

This is part of a series of topics I am writing for my grandson's birthday present.  Ryon's boy Micah is a fishing nut.  He has skills.

anyway, this is just the first section.  Every few days I will publish the next section and I will send it to him as a book when I finish it.  (soon)

Ten Things I Know About Fishing

Fishing is an adventure for fathers and sons all over the world. Teachers, adventurer and old men have a favorite story, technique and fishing spot. Some people are crazy about fishing. Some are crazy with fishing. Many have expensive boats and equipment. They purchase the latest reels and lures. They enter fishing contests just to show off a nice boat. I know a guy that was in a bass fishing contest and he caught fifty eight pounds of carp and catfish but not one bass. He spent $100 on the entry fee, $200 on gas, beer and fishing stuff, had to drag the boat thirty miles, launch the boat at 3:30 AM. He arrived back home at 9:27 PM and had to clean the fish, clean the boat and take a shower. He was in bed by midnight and his fish cost him, after cleaning, eight dollars a pound. You can buy fish at the grocery store for a lot less than that and be home in time to cook it dinner. I do not think he ever ate those fish. His wife always brings up this fishing story whenever company comes around. She laughs loudly when she reminds him that he was disqualified from the contest for having too many gadgets.