Thursday, July 12, 2012

Picket Line

I had to laugh yesterday on the way home from work. I guess the Firefighters are on strike for something or other and as I was driving through the picket line scattering sign holders like bees and I was not reading the signs or looking at anyone so as not to run over any of them. (It would have given them something to do if I just clipped one) I am not sure why they are picketing but one of the signs seem to say “NASA froze my…. “ I could not read the rest of the sign. My old eyes and slightly dyslexic vision made the word “Penis” out of some letters. I thought, "Well, I would do more than picket if someone froze my penis, and especially if it was a government agency." I do not need or use my penis much anymore but I am kind of familiar with it and the thing IS used for balance also. ( Kinda like a cheetah's tail.) “ NASA froze my PENSION”. Boy, that was a close one.